他表示《外企应如何更好地与中国消费者互动》现在中国消费者倾向于将钱存在银行而不是消费,并努力给他们留下好印象,拉动消费相关问题成为关注热点之一。拉动居民消费,工信部信息通信经济专家委员会委员盘和林对邓斯图的提问、吴家驹,年全国两会开幕在即,以增加外企在中国市场的销售额,孟湘君。(在中新网 作出解答)
China's national "two sessions", a key political event shaping the country's policy direction, are set to convene in Beijing Tuesday. Issues related to boosting consumption become one of the hot topics.
In the view of Stuart Dunn, executive director of the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (BritCham Shanghai), Chinese consumers now tend to save their money rather than spend it. How can foreign enterprises better engage with the Chinese consumer to help boost consumer sales in the Chinese market? Dunn posed the question in the latest China Q&A to Pan Helin, a member of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Expert Committee for Information and Communication Economy.
Pan said that to integrate into the Chinese market and boost consumption, foreign enterprises should actively cooperate with local financial institutions to develop scenario-based financial services, tap into the potential demands of Chinese consumers and try to leave a good impression on them. (Wu Jiaju, Zhang Dongfang)